Thursday, September 6, 2007


I've noticed Fantasy Debut blogrolled in a number of places and I wanted to send out my thanks!

Odd Characters (a longtime blog buddy)
Amanda's Writing Diary (Author of YOU HAD ME AT HALO)
Joely Sue Burkhart (author of SURVIVE MY FIRE)
EM Sky/Straight from the Barrel
100 Bloggers (a lovely shout-out)
Pieces on Speculative Fiction (which surprise! has another THE BLADE ITSELF review)
Adventures in Reading
The Fabulous SQT
The Prolific Katie's Reading (who has become a regular commenter)
SciFiChick (AKA "The Queen")

Plus, another discovery: the Genre Files!


Katie said...

hey wow! thanks for the mention :)

Anonymous said...

You are welcome! I'm just sorry it took so long to get this post together.