Tuesday, October 2, 2007

An Invitation

I received the most delightful email from Laura Benedict, author of ISABELLA MOON, thanking me for my announcement of a few days ago. Emails like hers are one of the best things about running blogs like this one -- I get to meet all kinds of interesting authors!

When I get emails like this, I immediately want to review the author's book. I admit to being biased toward nice authors! However, I am swamped at present. I have four books that I am either reading or planning to read, and none of them are from September authors.

Therefore, I want to try something new. I would like to either invite someone to review it here as a guest blogger, or encourage one of my fellow bloggers to review it. If one of you fellow bloggers reviews it, we could arrange some sort of dual coverage thing, with a shout-out here and the full review at your blog.

If you want to do either, please either leave a comment here or email me at tia dot nevitt at gmail dot com.

By the way, I forgot to mention in my original ISABELLA MOON announcement that she has a book trailer, and it is simply fab. She tells me that it makes the book seem more like a horror novel than it really is. It starts up when you go to her website.


Katie said...

that's nice of you to make an offer. I've heard really good things about the book too, there is a great review over at blogcritics.org at the moment. hope you find someone willing to take it on.

Tia Nevitt said...

Hurray! Someone with excellent review credentials has volunteered. This should be fun.