Lisa Shearin is the very first author I featured here at Fantasy Debut, with the incredibly fun Magic Lost, Trouble Found. The Trouble with Demons is her third novel, so she's technically not a debut novelist anymore but it was always my intention to follow the careers of authors whose books I particularly enjoyed.
Lisa has taken time out of her furious writing and release schedule to answer a handful of questions.
Tell us a bit about the direction of the Raine Beneres series. Personally, I think it has high potential to morph into an open-ended series, like an urban fantasy. Do you know how many books we can expect in the Saghred storyline? Do you see it extending beyond the Saghred storyline?

Which would you rather be, an elf or a goblin? (Your goblins, of course.)
I can see myself being both—I just love my goblins. But my husband says that I am Raine. Only personality wise, of course. I’ve never taken on evil mages, psychotic goblins, and the Queen of Demons. And Raine’s snark comes quicker than mine. I’m one of those who thinks of the perfect snappy comeback after the chance to deliver it is gone.
As a reader, which fantasy world has most engaged you (such as Tolkein's Middle Earth)? By that I mean, whose world will you always return to, no matter how many books the author produces in the series?
I adore David Eddings’s Belgarian, Malloreon, and Elenium series. And I adore Raymond Feist’s Riftwar Saga. I absolutely devoured those books.
I think it's safe to say that you've established yourself as an author. Where would you like to see yourself five years from now?
I’d like to be able to look back and see that I’ve continually raised the bar for my writing, and that I’ve continued to grow and learn as a writer. I want each book to be better than the previous one. I want to be able to feel that I’ve taken chances and gone beyond what I felt comfortable writing. If a project excites me, scares the crap out of me, and I’m not sure if I’m good enough to write it—that’s an idea worth writing.
And wow! You have yourself a new writing gig as a columnist for The Writer! Please share all the juicy details.

For more information about Lisa Shearin and for information on how to purchase her books, visit her website.
Thank you so much, Tia, for once again having me on Fantasy Debut! : )
Great interview! It's always greay to find out more about Lisa. And I LOVE David Eddings. He's awesome!
Very nice. Thanks for indirectly giving me a bunch more recommendations of books to check out.
Good luck with the pitching, Lisa!
Great interview!
*holding back a SQUEEE!* Just tell me when I can let it out! :)
Thank you, everyone!
Let it out, Lit! And Lisa, you are most welcome. Anytime!
Nice interview. I need to check out these books. Thanks for sharing.
Oh okay then.
Fabulous interview, as always! Thank you Tia and Lisa - you both rock. Lisa, congrats on The Writer awesomeness :)
Oh, and if I could be an Elf or Goblin in Raine's world, I think I'd be a Goblin. I love Lisa's take on the usually snarly/drooly/misunderstood race.
That is a neat interview. Thanks to both of you. {WARM SMILE}
Anne Elizabeth Baldwin
Great interview. I love how you said that you "devour" books because I use the same term! Good books I read...great ones I devour. (I did, in fact, devour your books).
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