I'm going to be a copycat and ask for a lurker roll call. A lurker is someone who reads blogs or forums without taking part. John over at Grasping for the Wind did this as well. He got the idea from Paul, who got it from Bryan, who got it from . . . well, just follow the links to find out.
Anyway, the point is, that I usually only hear from the same people. Last week, a lot of you spoke out on my Blogging Advice post, but I don't know if you were lurkers who simply spoke up for the first time, or if you came over here from elsewhere. Blogging can be a lonely existence. I know you're out there--I can see it in my stats--but I don't hear from most of you. I've heard it said that only about 10 percent of blog readers ever comment.
Well, for my early Christmas present, I'm asking that you leave a comment. I'll even give you a subject. Just say hello and to tell me how you read this blog. Through a reader? An email subscription? Or do you actually have this blog bookmarked? My comment form is very friendly, and is wide open to anonymous posts.
And of course, regular commentators are always welcome.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Lurker Roll Call
Posted by
Tia Nevitt
7:56 PM
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Hello :)
I've subscribed to your blog through Google Reader.
Hi, a lurker answering the roll call here. I found you since I'm a newbie author with an ebook coming out in the next couple of months, and I was looking around for blogs that feature new books. I'm staying around though just because I'm also a voracious reader and I'm always on the hunt for recommendations for new things to read. ^_^
I'm reading you through Google Reader too.
--annathepiper@Livejournal, who's signing via her Google login right now since LJ's ability to do OpenID with Blogger fell over
I am highly irregular, moderately insane and morally bankrupt, does that count?
I have you in my Google reader, but I haven't commented too often yet.
Well, you know I always read you. *g*
I read you on Google Reader most of the time. But I have you permanently linked on my blog so I'll drop in that way too.
big time lurker.
I read you through google reader which I check way too often every day. only interested in some of the books you review, but think you do a great job.
I currently enjoy epic fantasy the most. I'm not quite sure what to think of the newer grittier stuff ie Brent Weeks, etc. Also, reading all of the Hugo Winners, only 4 to go.
And, hopelessly addicted to Spy fiction. (Ludlum, Cussler, Thor, Flynn, etc)
Wow; this was fast. Cool!
Dragon, Epic fantasy is my first love. I'm planning an epic fantasy week sometime early in the new year, and hopefully I'll be able to pull together some interesting stuff for you to read.
Hi! I don't remember how I found you, but I have you linked, as well!
I'm an aspiring fantasy writer with a manuscript I'm polishing now and planning to submit to agents in January. I only found your blog about a week ago, through another blog I follow (can't remember which one now!), so I added it to the list of links on my blog's sidebar.
Hi, I read through Google Reader mostly. Found you through David Anthony Durham. :)
I've been reading your blog for awhile through Google Reader. I like to pick up some new authors every so often, so the reviews come very handy.
I've been following both your blogs for several months now. Not quite sure how I found you, though...
But in your comments I see Maria Zannini, whom I follow after I learned of her through Sharon Ashwood...
Have a lovely day! :-)
I subscribe via bloglines. Not quite sure how I found you either, but it's interesting to see different perspectives on the fantasy genre.
I is here! Then again, you probably already knew that...I'll have to do this lurker roll call thing on my blog...
I read this blog through Google Reader...because it's easy.
There you go!
Lurker. But I have been meaning to comment. I love this blog (I read it through Google Reader, by the way). Doesn't have the books I usually read, but that is what I like. I like seeing what is out there. Good job at bringing out the lurkers. 15 in only two hours. Not bad at all.
Hey Tia! I comment very occasionally, but wanted to let you know I subscribe via Google Reader.
Like so many others, I primarily read the posts through Google Reader, but often come over to see comments, too. You do a great job and I have picked up a number of books after reading your comments, including Jennifer Rardin's Jaz Parks series. I bought the first one and then had to go back to the store that night to get the others. They are great!!
Thanks again!
Another one on Google Reader.
I also read thru Google Reader, tho I'm finding the new "following" feature useful when I'm in a bit of a rush. I found your blog shortly after I started a personal blog this spring.
For some reason, I don't see to be inspired to comment much here. I don't know why. {Smile}
Anne Elizabeth Baldwin
RSS all the way!:)
I read you through Google Reader. Like finding out about new authors.
Kris in Germany
Hi, I can't remember how I found your site but I have you bookmarked.
Hello! I keep up to date via google reader.
Thanks for popping up and saying hi! You have no idea how cool this is. Instead of just numbers, I have names!
And for the record, I NEVER commented on blogs before I started blogging myself.
Hello :) I actually have you bookmarked. I've tried a bunch of different readers, and hate using them.
...I read, go to comment, and then don't because I'm...weird? ...I'm embarrassingly self conscious....
Hello - thanks for what you do! I found you through the "automatic recommendations" on Google Reader. I really enjoy your articles. Keep up the great work! - EDH
I don't know if I should consider myself a lurker or not. How about a steady ready with a lot comment count?
I usually read your blog through Google Reader and when I see something that calls out to me for a comment (and I have the time to do it), I'll pop over like I am now and amaze you with my droll words.
I'm not a lurker, just a n00b. Your first post I read was the "advice" one, but am now a subscriber. Thumbs up!
Another Google Reader..err..reader here. I am a voracious reader (fantasy, mystery mostly) and recently found you in my quest for new, interesting feeds :)
I came across your blog via OF Blog of the Fallen, which has a link to you. (And I came across OF from a link off Pat's Fantasy Hotlist who also has a link to you.)
I usually come here a few times a week. I do enjoy reading your reviews, even of books that are outside my normal read.
You did help lead to my purchase of Misty Massey's Mad Kestral.
I don't reply often as blogspot seems to have problems accepting posts when I put my LiveJournal OpenID.
By the way, I do have a direct link to your blog on my LJ page under my Interesting Blogs section. (Unfortunately, as I am an aspiring author, not yet a published one, I don't have any real readership on mine to generate traffic to anyone else. Someday perhaps!)
Hi. I comment occasionally. And I subscribe through my Google home page.
I have you bookmarked. I visit a couple of times a week, to see what's new. I am always looking for book recommendations for myself and the hubby.
Hi, Tia! I always surf in from The Galaxy Express. I don't always comment but I keep up with the posts.
I came across this via Google Reader recommendations.
Hello, another from the Google Reader recommendations. Really enjoy your blog!
Wow, thanks everyone!
Faith, I know what you mean about being shy. I guess I'm over it now, but it took a while. I'm loving your "Fantasy is Love" website!
TK, I get a kick out of your username. I guess I'm a hard-core Star Wars fan, because I know exactly where it came from.
cedunkley: It always interests me how many people rush out to buy a book when I post a bad review. Even though I didn't think much of Mad Kestrel, I am interested in reading future books in the series.
Sherri: Glad you liked something I recommended!
I can't remember how I originally found you. You know who I am anyway. :)
I have you bookmarked and check for new posts almost every day, although I've been commenting less lately. I blame it on my day job.
Thanks Raven, and thanks to everyone else who left a note to let me know you exist! I appreciate it and I hope to hear from you again soon. Maybe I'll do a Lurker Roll Call every quarter or so, just to meet any newcomers.
Reading, mostly, using FeedReader.
Gilgamesh, my favorite Babylonian hero! Welcome!
Hi, Tia! You know I've been reading awhile, although I don't always comment. I come over directly from my blogroll.
I found your post by following links from other sites. Whenever I have a little free time, I look around and see what other authors and reviewers are doing. I try to stay up a little, since I am trying to obtain representation for my book and working on the second one in the series. I'll coment ocasionally but only if there is something that catches my atention.
Welcome, Joely and Gabe! Gabe, you and I are in the same boat. I try to make this a great place to keep up your motivation.
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